With decades of combined experience, Terri, Martha and Tara discuss some basics of Essential Oils. They share concepts and ideas such as ditching & switching, their favorites, LLP, and how these oils can help keep you at or above the wellness line, all in this new podcast.
Learn about Essential Oils.
There is something special about Young Living Essential Oils that set them apart from any others available. Contact Terri today to learn more about how Young Living Essential Oils and products can help you.
Terri’s Contact Information:
- Terri Hance
- Young Living Member #13235745
- 1-719-480-5545
- Website
- Del Norte, Colorado
Tara’s Contact Information:
- Tara Lock-Halenza
- Young Living Member #3761491
- 1-719-850-4233
- Website
- Monte Vista, Colorado
Martha’s Contact Information:
- Martha Lock
- Young Living Member #3081051
- Website
- 1-719-239-1819
- Monte Vista, Colorado
Other Information:
Young Living Contact Information:
Some statements on this podcast may not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Some information provided is for educational purposes only. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, please consult your health care practitioner of choice.

Terri Hance, Tara Lock and Martha Lock are each Independent Distributors of Young Living Essential Oils and products and are not employed by Young Living.
Graphics and pictures are courtesy of Terri Hance. Music by Audionautix (used under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0).
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