The Swoop Of The Cranes is a community art and city beautification project, put on each year by the Monte Vista Chamber of Commerce.
SLVoices produced a mini-documentary video highlighting the Swoop of the Cranes art project. Watch as local community members and leaders discuss how it started, future plans, the regional impact it has, and people’s impressions. The painted cranes are up all over town, come on out and enjoy them…
The 40th Annual Monte Vista Crane Festival

The 40th Annual Monte Vista Crane Festival will take place on March 10-12, 2023.
Sandhill Cranes and other migratory birds follow a long route during their seasonal migrations. Along the way, there are many places where you can stop and view these beautiful creatures. So what makes the Monte Vista Crane Festival Unique? We believe it is a combination of unmatched scenery, exceptional wildlife viewing, and the friendly, welcoming communities of the San Luis Valley.
At the Monte Vista Crane Festival you can enjoy thousands of Sandhill Cranes, ducks, and geese flying against a backdrop of mountain scenery. Raptors will adorn the power poles and owls will be sitting with their young. A visit to the Monte Vista Crane Festival is an opportunity to see an amazing natural spectacle as well as experience a unique rural community.
The Crane Craft Fair

The Monte Vista Chamber of Commerce’s Crane Craft Fair takes place each year as a part of the annual Crane Festival. Held at the SkiHi Complex, this event helps support independent businesses, crafters and vendors from all over the San Luis Valley and beyond.
A few of the cranes from 2020.

Crane Fest Related Podcasts

36th Annual Monte Vista Crane Festival. SLVoices talked with Suzanne Beauchaine, Refuge Manager for the Alamosa & Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuges, Deb Callahan, Retired Wildlife Biologist & Crane Fest Volunteer and Tim Armstrong, President of the Friends of the SLV Wildlife Refuges & Professor at Adams State University. Listen and learn about the events, guest speakers, happenings and the Sandhill Cranes. February 2019.

Monte Vista Chamber Business Spotlight-Mar 2020. Featured in this extended three-part podcast are Danielle Anderson, a Director at the Monte Vista Chamber and the Vice President & Chief Financial Officer for Rio Grande Savings & Loan Association. Following that is the March Chamber of Commerce Business of the Month, The Friends of the San Luis Valley National Wildlife Refuges CO, featuring Vice President & Biologist Jenny Nehring along with Refuge Manager and Liaison to the Friends, Suzanne Beauchaine. And wrapping up this podcast is Jose Lopez–Gonzales, Owner of Taqueria Y Antojitos Los Lopez Restaurant. March 2020.
A sneak peek at a few of the 2021 cranes.

Other Articles & Information
- Monte Vista Journal – Swoop of the cranes get ready to fly the coop.
- Monte Vista Journal – Swoop of the cranes coming to Monte Vista.
- Valley Courier – Crane fest a swooping success.
- South Fork Tines – Cranes swoop through Monte Vista.
- Monte Vista Chamber – Swoop of the cranes 2020.
- Monte Vista Chamber – Swoop of the cranes 2021.
- Downtown Colorado Inc – Swoop of the cranes.
- Believing The Bird – A swoop of cranes.
- 2018 Kids Crane Fest pictures web page.
- Monte Vista Crane Festival website.
- Friends of the National Wildlife Refuges website.
- Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge website.
- Spring Crane Viewing Map and information.
- Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge – Colorado Tourism.
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