Author Archive: Adam

SLV Small Business Development Center

SBDC Podcast Graphic

Local Business Owners, this podcast is specifically for you. SLVoices teamed up with Chelsea Martinez of the Monte Vista Journal. We asked Jason Medina, Director of the SLV Small Business Development Center a series of pointed questions surrounding COVID-19, considerations regarding what loans and grants are available on a local, regional and national level, Rio Grande County’s variance, who and where to turn to and a lot more.

The Saints Are Not To Judge Yet They Shall Judge The Whole World

Verses such as “The Saints Shall Rule The World, and the Angels;” what can that possibly mean when we are in fact instructed “not to judge?” In this podcast, Dr. Shane Vaughn of First Harvest Ministries opens the scriptures with you to discover this glorious truth.

Monte Vista Chamber Business Spotlight-May 2020

MVCOC-May 20 Podcast Graphic

The Monte Vista Chamber of Commerce Business Spotlight for May 2020. Featured in this three-part podcast are Jeff Harmon, a Director at the Monte Vista Chamber and also Owner & Manager of Valley Wide Welding, Inc. Following that is the May Chamber of Commerce Business of the Month, K’s Bookkeeping Services, featuring President & Owner Kay Harmon. And wrapping up this podcast is Attorney Gene Farish, Managing Partner of Eugene L. Farish, PC, Law Office. Please listen as Jeff, Kay and Gene discuss their past, what they do now, the services they offer, where they see Monte Vista in the future and more.

Counting and Courting

Counting & Courting – a Further Look Into the Intricate Details of the Feast of Firstfruit. God (Yahweh) did not tell Israel to simply WAIT 50 days or seven Sabbaths. Rather, He explicitly told them to COUNT 50 days. He wanted them intricately involved in this process of time known as the Counting of the Omer. But Why? Is there is a meaning that perhaps we have overlooked? I think there is and in this podcast, I will examine with you what we mean by COUNTING & COURTING.

The Feast of Firstfruits

Of all the Seven Feasts of Israel, one is least understood and yet contains within it the greatest promises for YOU, the believer. Join with Shane & Karen Vaughn on this weekly edition of Zions Call to understand the way of truth more clearly.

The Day Of The Lord

What exactly is “The Day of The Lord?” When will it begin? What will it be like? Most importantly, why do we have so little knowledge of this all-important event? Was there a plan from the darkness to rob the church of this experiential knowledge? We believe there was and in this podcast, we hope to restore to you the knowledge of The Day of The Lord.

Your Mental Health During The COVID-19 Crisis

COVID 19 & Your Mental Health Podcast Graphic

Feeling isolated, scared, anxious? Does it seem like your world is collapsing around you? Well, you’re not alone! This can be an extremely difficult time for everyone as we navigate through uncharted territory. To help in coping with everything during this time, from a mental health perspective are SLV Behavioral Health Group members Jennifer Silva (Chief Clinical Officer), Tammy Obie (Emergency Services Supervisor) and Azarel Madrigal-Chase (Grants Manager & Disaster Coordinator). Listen and take notes as they discuss why it’s OK to feel anxious, how to break patterns, compassion fatigue, things you can do at home or work and a whole lot more.