The Feast of Firstfruits

Of all the Seven Feasts of Israel, one is least understood and yet contains within it the greatest promises for YOU, the believer. Join with Shane & Karen Vaughn on this weekly edition of Zions Call to understand the way of truth more clearly.

We are Spirit-Filled – Commandment-Keeping Biblical Unitarian with Pentecostal and Hebrew Roots.

ZIONS CALL is the international media voice of First Harvest Ministries, declaring to the nations of the world that the Kingdom of Yahweh, the Almighty Creator is coming to earth and the Great Sabbath Rest will come to the entire planet. All wrongs will be made right, all wickedness shall cease and the glory of God shall cover the earth as the waters of the sea. This podcast series is designed to reach for the lost sheep of the House of Israel scattered throughout the Gentile nations of the world. Zions Call is distributed by SLVoices.

Shane Vaughn is the author of 23 published books, a television presenter, a radio host, and the founding Bishop of First Harvest Ministries. Brother Shane has been given a heavenly mandate to help reach the end-time bride of Yahshua (the Messiah) and help cleanse her in perfecting Glory with the restored truths of the revealed Word of God.

First Harvest Ministries Information:

Other Information:

If you have heard the call to “Come out of her my people” and you wish to understand your role in the Coming Kingdom of God then this divine appointment has been sent to you to more perfectly instruct you in the WAYS of the Master and to share with you the TRUE GOSPEL of the COMING KINGDOM OF GOD. Please listen now, share with a friend, grab your Bibles and gather with Shane and Karen Vaughn for another edition of Zions Call.

About Shane & Karen Vaughn:

Rev. Shane Vaughn, called by his creator as a young, twelve-year old boy to preach the gospel, he has founded and now is chancellor of Biblical Foundations Institute as well as director of First Harvest Church & ministries. He serves the bride of Christ with the heart of a servant and the passion of a pioneer. He currently host the weekly telecast “Zions Call” and is the author of nine published books and numerous booklets and articles. Most noted for his pulpit presence, oratory and articulation, musical gifting and intimate knowledge of the Word of God, his teaching ministry is heard each Friday night at the begging of the weekly sabbath at 7:00 in Waveland, MS with more campuses to be opened soon. He currently holds his earned doctorate degree from World Vision university in Dallas, TX.

Karen Kendrick-Vaughn is known everywhere for her miraculous resurrection from death to life as told in her recently published book, “A God Interruption” She serves along side her husband when she isn’t traveling as an unparalleled worship leader. She is currently working on her soon to be released book “Secrets from the Secret Place” Karen operates with a unique gift of healing and faith for the supernatural. She currently holds a bachelors in theology from Biblical Foundations Institute.

About Their Ministry: We began this ministry in the backroom of a small church along the gulf coast of Mississippi. A handful of people (about 7) with a deep desire for more knowledge and understanding of the word of Yahweh (God) began to gather on Monday nights around a fellowship meal as Dr. Shane Vaughn began the first semester of Biblical Foundations Institute. From those handful of students a ministry has emerged as more and more people from our region have heard the wonderful truths being revealed to these hungry believers.

We have now elevated into another level of our existence as a fellowship. We now gather on Friday nights at sunset, the beginning of the weekly sabbath for what we have termed “The Gathering.” This is a very unique service that people are driving great distances to attend because it is both a very intensive time of worship, the prophetic and it is also a Bible college class.

We are a Christian church which strives to understand and teach the Word of Yahweh from a first century, Apostolic perspective. We are fundamental and Bible based. While reaching forward to the unveiling truth of these final hours in return to our Hebraic roots we also cling ever tightly to our wonderful expression of our youth, our Pentecostal and Spirit Filled roots; at least in our praise and worship.

What many people find refreshing about out meetings is the merging of cultures and races and ideas. We have the extremes of society among us ranging from poor to rich, from educated to non; from Messianic Jews to old time Pentecostals and so the divergence continues. Many people come to watch our expressive praise and worship and to learn from our understandings of the scriptures. We incorporate both old and new in our music as well as leaning heavily upon the spiritual gifts in our corporate gatherings.

We are a commandment keeping congregation as well as preaching the message of the grace of our Lord Yeshua (Jesus Christ).

CREDITS: Pictures are graphics are courtesy of Brother Shane Vaughn and First Harvest Ministries. Used by permission.

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Neither SLVoices or its staff are personally affiliated with First Harvest Ministries or Brother Shane & Karen Vaughn. We offer their outreach podcast for you to listen to on a contractual marketing basis.

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